วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

human genome project

human genome project
Interested in the Human Genome Project? Read our guide to facts and information on the work of the multi-million dollar ..

There are about 35,000 human genes for the project. The conversion of these genes can be the source of the money to be for biological studies. These efforts, the project will also study the genetic material of all organisms in the human body.

Billion-dollar research project was satisfactory after thirteen long years. A first draft of the human genome as a whole went public in 2000. Next year, presented to the true nature and complexity of the digital code of DNA, the researchers associated with them.

The results clearly show, as the human DNA molecule consists of 35 000 genes, some three billion chemical criteria, which are arranged in order. Extensive studies carried out so much information that he said that the quantities of books in the E. coli bacteria are single cell can be stored. Analyze the results are really stressed the scientific miracles in the structure of DNA, and forced the researchers to a better understanding of the complexity. DNA found in its most basic level, James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953.

Human Genome Project has an enormous impact on the future. Scientists realized that, the possibilities of genetic manipulation, and many of them used to us in a number of ways. But also a powerful discovery opens up many possibilities for abuse of science. In fact, you also have a large influence on the beliefs and the psychology of the individual.

In the world of our genetic structure of DNA determines who we are. However, many think that the soul of the body. Results of the Human Genome Project has a sense of reason, atheists and agnostics. But we must remember that some of the key researchers in these experiments were really Christians.

No doubt, the Human Genome Project a terrible job. But history shows that scientific knowledge is not spiritual guidance often leads to the destruction of mankind. However, the data stored in huge databases. Analytical tools are also better at the same time. The project also includes technology transfer to the private sector. It is also an objective of the task of the Human Genome Project, legal issues, social and ethical issues related to the type of project to take under consideration .

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

genome sequencer

genome sequencer
I  DNA'm sure you have the definition of  hear '', and we all know what a cell (single cell or multiple cells in amoeba or human), but what is a genome, a chromosome of a gene and the they do?

 And then there are the double helix. Many of us have seen a picture of the double helix, but how many of us understand what it is or why is it important?

 Most of us read our information on cells and DNA from the crime TV shows that many crimes solved through DNA comparison, and we heardof people who have been convicted of terrible crimes cleared by DNA testing.

 Now much of this knowledge comes from sequencing the human genome, a long and complicated process of breaking the genome into small pieces, the identification of the base pairs and put back together in the right order.

 Thanks to the efforts of the scientists who participated in the  "Human Genome Project  'genes for many genetic diseases identified what our realPossibility of effective treatments or cures.

 OK, you and I  't understand anything about science in the context of genetics. I searched the Web for answers and now I understand a bit more '. I understand how important this work, especially the child with cystic fibrosis or the person who is in prison, wrongly convicted of a terrible crime.

 If you are interested in this topic, there are a lot of information on the web. WhileUsers, however, are definitely in business to sell you information about your family tree going after your DNA. Remember that this field  still in its infancy, so limit your expectations, if you decide to try it.

วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

dna sequencer

dna sequencerScientists have applied letters to various parts of DNA, and the sequence of the code, or letters, is a massive scientific breakthrough. Essentially, a Sequence is a written map of a person, animal, or plant. DNA Sequencing allows scientists to see traits on paper, not just in action. This allows scientists to tell the difference between the DNA of a dog, for example, and a human. The sequence of the code, or letters, in a strand of DNA, offers a number of vital pieces of scientific information.

Through DNA Sequencing, specific traits have been isolated. For example, scientists were able to identify genes that may contribute to a number of ailments, including Alzheimer's and Breast Cancer. With the identification of such genes comes the possibility of altering them, which is controversial. However, knowing that there are genes that make it more likely for a person to suffer from such an ailment, knowing what those genes look like and where they are, will certainly make many doctors have slightly easier jobs. This information will possibly make diagnosing less challenging, if not treatment. As it becomes more advanced, the potential applications will surely grow.

In recent years, complete DNA Sequencing for humans was completed. It was called the Human Genome Project. The scientists working on the project mapped out the entire sequence of human DNA. It was this project that allowed genes for certain diseases to be identified, which may some day lead to cures. After the initial large-scale DNA Sequencing project, many scientists are working with DNA Sequences on a smaller-scale. The field is a growing one, with a large number of potential benefits. There are a number of companies who offer to partially sequence DNA to offer health advice. Research has shown that there are certain genes which put people at a higher risk for ailments, and such health advice is said to lower risk. As the field grows, there will likely be more possibilities.

There are a number of diseases, including cancers, which have genes that have been identified through DNA Sequencing. It has also been found that there are certain risk factors that make a disease more likely to occur if a person has a certain gene. An example of this is Colon Cancer. Through DNA Sequencing, it has been found that certain people, with a specific gene, are more likely to suffer from Colon Cancer if they eat a large amount of red meat. However, other people, without this gene, are not as likely to suffer from Colon Cancer, even with above average amounts of red meat.

Many people are becoming very interested in DNA Sequencing. Realizing the ramifications of information like that explained above-that there are certain genes which put only some people at a higher risk-has sparked interest. Many people are seeking out personal DNA Sequencing to aid them in their quest for better health.

Melanie Smith

For more information please visit

Article Source: dna sequencer

วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

gene sequences

gene sequences
Genome survey sequences are often used for the mapping of genome sequencing. Through the genetic use of pcr, 454, abi, and the absence of mRNA scientists are using genome survey as a mapping tool for genome sequencing. Through advanced software and the use of array in research, scientists are service for helping this exciting new technology in this upcoming field. By using genes and gene mapping scientists can pave the road for biology and the people who are influenced and need it to survive.
Genome survey sequencing is one of the most exciting new parts of biotechnology. It allows scientists to better map genome sequencing. The benefits are extremely outstanding. By not having to rely on mRNA, genome survey sequencing is the new way to map out genome sequencing. There are so many benefits that can come from genome sequencing. So many diseases can be weeded out as a result. Plants are especially important. By weeding out diseases in plants massive amounts of food can be produced through DNA replication of food DNA strands.
So much relies on the speedy and timely fashion of this research is extremely important in understanding how to replicate food. By doing this research scientists will be able to use the technology of arrays to accurately pinpoint how to do this replication in the most efficient way possible. Efficiency is the best strategy to use when the entire world is starving. By using this new technology so many can be benefited from this research. People's lives can be saved and much of the world can benefit from enough food to feed everyone, especially those who need it.
However there are many drawbacks to bioengineering. For example, bioengineering introduces many different chemicals that many people believe may be harmful to the human body. Genome survey sequencing plays a role in this as well, being a part of bioengineering and genome sequencing it is also viewed as something that may be potentially harmful to humans. By researching and trusting in science it is possible that as a world we can make the proper decisions and chose to understand this new and versatile process rather than instantly jump in an criticize it blindly. There are drawbacks to everything in the world, and genome survey sequencing and genome sequencing is something that will simply be tossed aside and not monitored and studied.
For many years scientists have hoped for a more rigid and helpful way to map out DNA and understand it better. They may just have this answer with the advent and usefulness of DNA genome survey sequencing and its many benefits and uses.

Article Source: gene sequences

dna structure

dna structure
DNA can be defined as a special nucleic acid that contains instructions for the development of different features and traits in the family members of that living organism. Its main function is to store information about the organism. The carrier of the genetic information from one person or living organism to the next in the hereditary is called genes. In every living body, there are some cells where the DNA exists and DNA forms a helical shape and forms chromosomes. The multiplication of these cells can also be called cell division or DNA replication. There are many structures of DNA and one of them is the Quadruplex form. In it, there are linear shaped chromosomes. The end points of these chromosomes are a very important region called telomeres. This special telomere DNA structure basically protects the end of the chromosomes.

It is very important to know more about telomeres and then it will be easy to understand the telomere DNA structure. Firstly, telomeres are always present at the end parts of the chromosomes. It can be defined as a region of recurring DNA which is present in the chromosomes at the end. Its main function is to guard or look after the end points of the chromosomes from weakening or from damaging. It stops that end region from deprivation or ruining of the genes; it does this by shorting the ends of each chromosome which is automatic during the process of replication. During the process of cell division, there are enzymes that help in duplication of the DNA. It has been found that if cells divide without the telomeres, the ends of chromosomes would degrade and at the end lose the instructions of information that it contains. It can be said that it stays at the end to block the chromosomes and divide at cell division and gets reloaded by special telomeres enzymes. This way there is a lot to know about the telomere DNA structure.

There are various changes that occur in the telomere DNA structure. There are two types of structures; lengthened and shortened. The shortening of telomeres in human beings can provoke duplication, which may stop cell division and may affect the health of the person. Though it protects in multiplying the cancer cells to grow, it may harm the immune system in humans and may increase the chances of having cancer. This shortening may occur because of aging and bad health. Also the shortening may reduce the cell division or duplicity and move to senescence which may suppress the cancer cells. The shortening could be cured by giving long telomeres. The other telomere DNA structure is the long telomeres which raises the energy consumption; which results in less energy after every few hours; it does not look that bad but is very difficult to handle. Similarly, if in some condition long telomeres are more, then they can be cured by shorter telomeres. But inheriting it from someone will not protect it from cancer.

DNA is one of the smallest parts of our body and forms the chromosomes which have a very important connection with child birth and genes. These chromosomes have telomeres at the ends of each strand of chromosomes. They are very important and useful. They protect and store all the information of the genes and take care of the duplicity. The telomere DNA structure may vary but every change in the structure leads to illnesses in humans. Some scientists say that some changes may cure and slow the aging but hasn't yet been proved in humans. It is better to know everything about telomeres before coming to conclusions.

Article Source: dna structure